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icon 24.08.2012 icon 5x icon 4086x
I'm 18 years old and I love my 2 years younger cousin! I think she likes me too but I dont know she would react if I confessed her what I really feel. Is it normal?
PeopleSTAR (5 rank)
Beyonce (nereg. uživatel)  Friday, 23. November, 20:59
Wow, your post makes mine look fbeele. More power to you!

Riza (nereg. uživatel)  Friday, 23. November, 11:28
I was bullied a bit in late eatmenelry school for seeming poorer than the other kids and not having as many clothes (the funny thing was my family is/was pretty wealthy, just not spendy) and having a single mom. I don't remember being devastated I had my own group of buddies. But it did factor into my mom's decision to let me try out for a new magnet school, and I ended up there and it was great. My husband was pretty severely picked on in middle school, poor thing. I can still see how it's affected him sometimes. My husband worries about bringing up our girl in his same little Swedish village, since she can be a bit shy like he was, and perhaps will be bookish, and she'll have th added detriment of an immigrant mother. So we'll watch out for that.

Riza (nereg. uživatel)  Friday, 23. November, 11:28
I was bullied a bit in late eatmenelry school for seeming poorer than the other kids and not having as many clothes (the funny thing was my family is/was pretty wealthy, just not spendy) and having a single mom. I don't remember being devastated I had my own group of buddies. But it did factor into my mom's decision to let me try out for a new magnet school, and I ended up there and it was great. My husband was pretty severely picked on in middle school, poor thing. I can still see how it's affected him sometimes. My husband worries about bringing up our girl in his same little Swedish village, since she can be a bit shy like he was, and perhaps will be bookish, and she'll have th added detriment of an immigrant mother. So we'll watch out for that.

Kryptonite95 Kryptonite95,  Saturday, 08. September, 21:00
Are you guys blood related? Or related by marriage? I'm sort of in the same situation :/ and we're two years apart too! Awkward right? Anywho, me and my cousin are only related by marriage, but family is family and there's really nothing we can do about it. :/ Just be careful, okay?

Dani (nereg. uživatel)  Saturday, 08. September, 04:09
I wouldnt go there with her just because its family and it just doesnt seem right.

FunnyPaul (nereg. uživatel)  Friday, 24. August, 16:54
Hey buddy, watch out. This is probably not legal at all and mostly it's awfully strange in itself. Forget about her and find someone else.

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